Wednesday, April 28, 2010

8 Months

Here we go again...I'm another month older on my journey to becoming a whole year old. Grab a seat and let me tell you what I've been up to. Hang on tight... this month I've been a jet-setter!

I took my first trip on a plane. Mom says I did an awesome job! Even though I was tired, I managed to hold back the tears until I saw my Grammy. I totally let loose on my last leg of the trip (a 45 minute car ride to her house). Equally as divine, I was a gem on the way back home. (My brother was another story.)

Any day now my 4th tooth will be sprouting through my gums like a spring flower. In the last 2 weeks alone I've had 3 teeth come in. The pain has made me a bit irritable. I've been wearing a bib 24-7 due to all of my drool. In the middle of the night I've been crying out in pain. I can't help it, IT HURTS! My mom has been a sport through all of it though. She gets up and rocks or nurses me back to sleep. (I have been giving her breaks... there are many nights that I sleep from 7:30 PM to 7:00 AM.)

Eating is still a forte of mine. I eat like a champ. Sure, I have my preferences....but I'll eat just about anything. I've even started to feed myself some puffs and biter biscuits. My pincer grasp is getting quite impressive, if I say so myself. (I eat a regular dose of keep me regular, if you know what I mean.)

Even though I'm eating a ton, my weight gain is under control. I'm still wearing 6-12 month clothes...although, like my brother, I prefer to be naked. A rough estimate of my weight is between 19 and 20 lbs. I'm no rocket scientist.... my scale isn't as accurate as the doctors'. You'll have to wait another month or so for the real deal.

My favorite passtime is still watching my older brother Jude. He's so facinating... but I'm starting to really make a voice for myself. I'm completely amused by people mimicking my voice. I'll often make a noise and wait for someone to return my call. (I guess it's a bit like the way birds call back and forth... and there sure is a lot of that going on this spring.) My mom says that I've even started to say mum.... but I'm not so sure about that.

Gone are the days of the baby bathtub. When I was in MI, at Grammy's house there was no tiny tub for me. I used the big boy tub and rather liked it. So, to heck with the plastic blue tub... I'm riding solo. I like to just lay back and let my mommy wash me as if I were at a full service spa.

Getting a picture of me with my sign of the month is troubling for my parents.... When the sign is within reach I just have to get my hands on it. I don't know what the big deal is. Here are some bloopers from this month's photo shoot....

My mom finally gave up and just took the sign away....

Once again, Jude thought I was having way too much fun. He wanted in on the photo shoot!

Here he is giving me one of his famous hugs... I wuv my brudder too!

Aren't we all so handsome? I wuv my daddy too...

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