Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Days

Upon our return from MI, we have been busy getting out and about. It's getting increasingly more difficult to find time to post pictures due to the boys having opposite nap schedules. Pardon me for this lengthy post.... I fear I'll never get the pictures up if I don't just post them all together.

We've had many chances to escape to the beach. This particular Saturday we were about to head out for a hike when it started to rain. We hit the beach for a short visit instead.... who cares if it's raining when you're already planning on getting wet in the waves anyways?

Levi wasn't so sure about the rain... we camped it out a bit in the car while the guys kept playing....
Levi has discovered that he loves corn on the cob... just like his big brother!

Although we weren't able to get out for a family hike on Saturday; Jude, Jack, and Joel went mid-week to Mount Major. They had an awesome time finding the orange striped trailblazers.

Jack- checking the view out from the top...

Jude has discovered the stability that hiking sticks can provide....
After meals - Levi's hair is often filled with plenty of styling product.
With temps. making it into the 80's, we've been high-tailing it to the beach a lot. Sorry, if you're feeling jealous... Really, I'm not trying to rub it in by posting so many beach pics....

The boys have found the perfect tide pool. It's nice and warm when the tide goes out. Jude's been having a fabulous time finding the tiny crabs that inhabit his bathtub.
It had been far too long since we had gotten together with the Bucks. We enjoyed at savory meal hot off the grill. Jude was completely entertained by Eliza, while Levi was busy making eyes at Natalie (almost 4 months old).

So, I know this picture is a bit corny... but as I was trying to eat my corn, Levi kept coming in to get a taste of his own. It didn't take long before he had confiscated my ear altogether.
Father's Day was the perfect day to spend more time outdoors. We started the morning out with a wonderful 3 mile walk. Mid-day we headed to the beach. We are all so blessed to have Joel as the family Daddy. He is an AWESOME Dad and a wonderful role model to the boys.

After nap, Joel headed out with some guys from our small group to serve baked ziti at the local homeless shelter. Jude and Levi cooled off with our new water table (thanks Grammy, we used some Christmas money to make this purchase).
The table is of course another way to wash cars....

In case you haven't heard... we have a couple of resident frogs living in our pond. Jude has taken the liberty to name them all by himself. Pictured below is Tad, the brave warrior of the two. Jude was courageous enough to give Tad a little pat. Tad wasn't so fond of this action and hopped back into the pond. Kermit is the shy more reserved one. Kermit is a pretty green.

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