Monday, October 29, 2007

Smarty Pants

Any bets as to where Jude will go to school?

Weekend with Drew

It was a jam-packed weekend. What started with a delayed flight....ended with nothing short of a three-ringed circus. We had a fabulous lunch overlooking the river, a local tour of the Redhook Ale Brewery, Drew's famous fish tacos followed up by Joel's apple crisp with a twist, a trip to Plum Island accompanied by Maureen, a walk on Wagon Hill, a remembrance of the song "Have Patience", and a homemade pumpkin pie courtesy of Joel and Drew.

Squirmy Wormy

A daily routine is to get some "Tummy Time" down on the floor. It's quite a workout.

Go Blue

The beginning of the season was a disaster. We never gave up hope.....Hail to the victors! Help us cheer for Michigan. The big game against Ohio State is scheduled for November 17.

A New Addition to the Family

With the growing responsibilities of parenthood came a new vehicle. A realization was born that the "swear-word" MV (mini-van) was becoming more of a necessity. We are now owners of a Toyota Sienna..... still not settled on a name for the monstrosity. Any suggestions?

Visit with Prem

Finally we got a chance to catch up with our good friend Prem. Our visit was far too short... with the changes in careers and new babies, Joel and Prem had much to talk about. Prem is now a full-time first-class photographer. In the wakeful moments of Jude's morning, Prem surprised us with a photo session. For the next 30 days you can check out the photos through his website:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall Colors

What an awsome weekend! Another trip up to see the cousins in Maine led us to a great adventure. Despite the power shutting off at 3:00 AM, Jud got off to the airport without a hitch. Mars kindly did a coffee run to get the rest of us up and going. All of us enjoyed Lynn and Edward coming over to take some pictures.... (check them out...he's got a wonderful website: ). Soon thereafter we headed out for a hike up Bradbury Mountain. The colors were amazing. On the way home we were tempted to stop by the farm to pick out some pumpkins for carving.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dino Days

As the weather starts to turn cooler, we are enjoying the fall colors. This past weekend we enjoyed our first UNH hockey game...yes Jude was included. We also took a trip to the coast to take Jack for a swim. We've been pulling out sweaters that haven't seen the light of day in years. It's a good thing that Auntie Joey understands the weather....she keeps her nephew looking hip in his new caps. (We're all getting excited to see Uncle Goozer Guy and Auntie Joey around Holloween!)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Apples in 80

Believe it or not.... we finally got to pick apples.... it was 80 degrees out. Although it didn't feel much like fall, the apple crisp aromas that filled our kitchen later in the day reminded us that we are in the thick of it all.

Red Sox Nation

Apparently we've moved from "Gator Nation" to "Red Sox Nation". Not to worry though, we're still rooting for the good ole Gators.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

All Smiles

Life is so much more interesting now that Jude is taking on a character all his own. Smiles and coos are a daily activity. Unlike his mother, Jude is a morning dude.

Vermont 50

On top of everything that Joel has been up to.... he's also been biking. He and his brother just finished the Vermont 50, a bike race through the mountains of Vermont. The 50 mile race finish line could be seen from our balcony. It was perfect weather for a race, we all loved being outside for the day. Not only did the studly Hartter boys finish the race, they finished in a better time than one of Dave's old coworkers. Also racing this weekend, the insane Pilliod twins finished the race on foot in less than 9 hours.... yes, that is almost 2 the mountains.... running...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Watch Me Grow

It's amazing how quickly Jude is growing. We just had his 6 week check-up and he already weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces and is 22.5 inches long.

cluster maps

