Sunday, January 22, 2012

39 Weeks

Thursday, January 26th is just around the corner.... With a planned c-section looming, I've continued to feel pretty good. Joel and I are buckling down, so to speak, and actually packing for the hospital and installing the car seat today. Even though the surgery is scheduled for later this week, at 39+ weeks, this baby girl could decide to come at any time!


Last weekend Chad, a friend of ours from Oregon, made his way to Dover for a visit. We decided that a lobster dinner was in order. The boys enjoyed playing with their food before it was boiled....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

3 Weeks to Go

With less than 3 weeks until our scheduled c-section, I continue to feel great! I have been blessed with 3 healthy pregnancies. We can't wait to meet our baby girl!

New Year's Day '12

50 degrees on the first day of the year. We couldn't pass this opportunity up, off to the beach we went. We had a great time finding starfish, snails, clam shells, and crab legs. Jack swam for the first time since August (Michigan). We were all enjoying some much needed fresh air!

Cousin's Gift Exchange

A couple days after Christmas the Caswell's came down to exchange gifts. We had a fabulous time playing with the new toys and going for a swim (at the Works) together!

Christmas Mornin'

6:30 am and the boys were running down the stairs with a huge sparkle in their eyes. Santa had come to our house to deliver our good boys plenty of gifts. Jude and Levi were beyond excited. Joel and I rolled out of bed just in time to bring some order to gift opening,...

Soren's 5th Birthday

For our friend Soren's 5th birthday we were invited to his mustache party. Everyone had fun playing along...

Levi getting a stash painted on...Tina and me sporting our new looks....
Joel and Brian needed to plan in advance for their stylish new looks...

Owen with a handlebar...
The birthday boy with his pirate mustache....
Charlie, one of the youngest to participate in the festivities...
Group shot....
Even the straws were fashionably mustashy....
All in all we had a fantastic time!

Trimming the Tree '11

Upon returning from our overnight in Maine, we headed to Emery Farm to pick out our Christmas tree. The boys were a big help!

Jude and Levi did a fantastic job hanging ornaments on the tree this year. They took turns using the step stool to reach higher on the tree....

Thanksgiving '11

This year we enjoyed multiple days of giving thanks! We spent Thanksgiving with our small group. Everything was delicious....

Kids tables....

The kids we entertained (with a movie) while the adults enjoyed their meal...
Round 2 of giving thanks happened up in Maine. We were able to share turkey leftovers with the Caswell's. Here the kids are enjoying some time in the snow.

After our bellies were full we headed out to the bowling alley. All of the kids had a great time knocking the pins down.

cluster maps

