Sunday, June 3, 2012

Windowsill Fun

 Jude and Levi love to play on the windowsill out in the porch.  I just love it when they are playing together.  It melts my heart to watch them getting along.

Home Deopt Project

 This month the boys got to build a box at Home Depot.  It was complete with a plexiglass top.  It was the first project that Jude didn't try to turn into some kind of garage for his cars.  You'll never guess what he stores in this new box that he built.  Oh yes, his most prized possessions.... his favorite cars.  At least he's not calling it a garage.

 Levi is proving to be quite handy with a hammer.  His construction abilities are top notch!  His willingness to wear an apron while painting his box was under par.  Here he is trying to whine to get his way.  (Needless to say, his box is home...and in its natural wood color.)

 No time to take pictures.... must keep concentrating.....

Trains, Trains, Trains

 Finally there is a new obsession in the house.  Luckily all 3 of the kids are showing an interest in trains.  Because Levi is TOTALLY nuts about trains, Jude is getting involved in the fun too.  We're embracing this new found love of trains because it's finally something other than CARS.

AnaLeah is mesmerized by the trains putt putting by....

 Jude has full control of the track once Levi goes down for his nap....

Checking it all out from the control seat...
 This is AJ's pimped out, working for the train mobsters look.....
 Content watching her brothers playing.... (love those cheeks!)
 Jude takes a break to sneak in a hug or two....

cluster maps

