Thursday, December 20, 2007

Snowed In

Our plans were altered a bit after viewing the 11 o'clock news... snow, snow, and more snow....With another storm headed our way we delayed our trip to Michigan 1 more day. What else to do when the snow hits? All of us had a blast! Thanks to Dave and Chris, we were able to enjoy an afternoon of snowshoeing right from our back door.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Finally....a show that Jude couldn't steal. We're all so proud of Joel. Can you believe it? A doctor is in the house.... and to think it only took 2 years for the master's and 3 for the Ph.D. Way to go!

Friends in Florida

It was definitely the right weekend to head south. Missing the multiple storms of the northeast, we all had a fabulous time returning to the heat and humidity for Joel's graduation. To our surprise, many of our friends remained in Florida. We thought for sure everyone would have been home for the holy-daze (as Dave Buck calls it). The weekend was jam-packed with events. The events started off properly- a party at Lisa's (Congrats on your Defense!).
Friday was a fantastic day of commencement exercises. We were treated to lunch at our favorite restaurant by one of Joel's advisers, Abe Goldman. Then it was off to the O'Connell Center to watch the anticipated Dr. Joel Hartter get hooded. The day ended with Indian dinner accompanied by family (Joel's parents and brother Steve came for the festivities).

Saturday Joel's co-adviser Dr. Jane Southworth (and family...the cutie is Parker, about 3 months) joined us for a lovely dinner hosted by Adi and Dr. Brian Child. The food was delicious and the company was awesome.

Sunday we enjoyed visiting with friends after church at Moe's...."Welcome to Moe's,".... We still can't get the jingle out of our heads. Following Moe's it was time for some ultimate frisbee and a gathering at Jack's girlfriend's house....sorry that Jack couldn't join us for Mark and Trysh's terrific veggie soup and salad.

Monday it was time to head back north. We couldn't leave without saying thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to our good friends Forrest and Gaby. They put up with us and put us up for our entire stay. Jude is already following in his father's footsteps....he was fascinated with the globe. It was great to sip beers with them each night before hittin' the hay. Thanks again!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fieldstone Estates Holiday Par-tay

Sunday we went to Dan and Christian's place to help decorate their tree. Isn't it a beauty?

Saturday was the beginning of this year's festivities. Our neighbors threw a get-together.... the babes were the life of the party. We had a fabulous time....margarita's were served on behalf of Ray's pregnancy craving, well worth the wait!

The last nap????

Now that Jude's becoming more aware of his surroundings, he seems to be developing misaphobia...the phobia of missing something (unable to fall asleep). So what else is there to do but read up on the matter? We've decided that it's time that Jude learns how to soothe himself to sleep rather than rely on either one of his parents to rock, nurse, or sing him off to dreamland. more falling asleep on us, it's hi-ho hi-ho, off to the crib he goes. (This should be interesting, now that we're heading out to Florida and then to Michigan.)


Jude's havin' a blast with his new toy! He's gettin' the hang of bouncin' 'round.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Will this game ever get old?

Story Time

Jude's been talkin' up a storm...any ideas of what his story is about?

cluster maps

