Thursday, February 19, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Today we took a trip to the Dr.'s office. Jude was a ham....there were posters of kitties in the exam room. He was meowing up a storm and had everyone smiling. We were even happier when we heard that Jude's all caught up on no needles today! Yay!

The Dr. reassured us that Jude is developing great. He grew another inch and gained almost a pound. He's still at the bottom of the curve for weight, but nothing to worry about since he continues to grow in height. (He's been on the normal 50th percentile curve for height and head circumference.)

His stats:
32 Inches
20.12 lbs.

As far as development milestones....Jude's just where he should be, if not ahead in many areas! He's got great verbal skills.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Jude's idea of helping helping himself. (Disclaimer: no raw eggs were consumed while taking these photos.)

Valentine Kitty

Jude got mommy a nice card for Valentine's Day. He's a bit obsessed with cats right now. He chases them around while playing outside, yelling....kitty, kitty, kitty. He picked out the card for obvious reasons and proceeded to kiss it many times.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Jude's latest addiction? PUZZLES How long before he's hooked on crosswords or Sudoku?


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper

Christmas In Maine...Again

Without any further ado....I finally made it up to Maine. Despite the "J's" not making the trip (Jude has been sick), the girlies had a grand time opening gifts. I tried to capture some of the excitement.


Buildin' Books

Busy Boy

First Bubble Bath

Jude's very much into building towers...

If he's not building....he's reading...

Stack'em High


How Big is Jude?

Stand-Up Sit-Down

Jude has been enjoying this game for a while now... Soon it will be a game of Simon Says.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Best of X-mas '08

Teach him while he's young Auntie Joey

Happy B-day Joel

Silly Joesers!

Lovin' the Smartwool's

A new addition for the Mooselodge

Bruno's Wedding

Assembly Complete

More Skip-Bo?

Mmmmm Blue Moon


cluster maps

