Thursday, February 19, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Today we took a trip to the Dr.'s office. Jude was a ham....there were posters of kitties in the exam room. He was meowing up a storm and had everyone smiling. We were even happier when we heard that Jude's all caught up on no needles today! Yay!

The Dr. reassured us that Jude is developing great. He grew another inch and gained almost a pound. He's still at the bottom of the curve for weight, but nothing to worry about since he continues to grow in height. (He's been on the normal 50th percentile curve for height and head circumference.)

His stats:
32 Inches
20.12 lbs.

As far as development milestones....Jude's just where he should be, if not ahead in many areas! He's got great verbal skills.


  1. And he's off the charts on cuteness!

  2. Rachel! I always love finding new blog friends. :) Jude is so cute and I am so happy for you guys - baby # 2 on the way! Yay! Congrats! We will be praying for you guys. Love you both!


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