Monday, March 2, 2009

Trip to the Chidren's Museum

A couple of weeks ago Jude and Ray got a chance to check out the Dover Children's Museum. It was exciting to have Eleanor, Gemma, and Marsey down in our neck of the woods to join in all of the fun! There were so many things to do and see at the museum that we'll have to make many more trips back in order to enjoy them all.

Jude just couldn't get enough of the train room. He had to make sure that all the trains were on the track....none could be found on the floor.

There just had to be a room full of kitties. Jude was caught meowing like crazy again.....
Ahoy! Jude was having a blast playing peek-a-boo with his Aunt Marsey while running around this play sailboat.

1 comment:

  1. Ray-

    I have been trying to convince Jason to take Landon to the Children's museum for months, but he thinks Landon is too young...Glad I have this to show him. Looks like Jude is having a great time. BTW...Landon doesn't meow, but he cawk's like a chicken. Wonder if our museum will have a room full of farm animals? Isn't this age so FUN!!


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