Tuesday, September 7, 2010

12 Months

Alrightie already.... I know that I'm way past the 12 month point. I haven't been well and after our trip it's taken a while to get caught up on this bloggin' business. I'll lay it out for you though, this is what I've been up to:

- As I just stated, I was a travelin' fool again this month. I spent 3 wonderful weeks up in MI. It was great to see family and spend time in the lake. I miss them already! What I don't miss... that terrible drive all the way to and from MI. I HATE BEING STRAPPED IN MY CARSEAT!

- You may ask why that drive was so horrible?? I just love to cruise. And I'm not talkin' about cruisin' in a car. I'm talkin' about walkin' around with just a little furniture or somethin' as support. Mom and Dad were pretty much telling me that no cruisin' was allowed on the trip... not in the moving vehicle, and not at those dirty rest stops. That's why the trip was unbearable.

- So what did I do the whole 18 hours in the van? I pretty much cried the entire way there and back. I took a few cat naps... but even those were shortened by my brother making noise, or stopping for traffic, or road construction. Even though I did my fair share of crying to get my point across, I'm starting to say some real words. Some of my favorite things to talk about... Ball, Book, Jack, Jude, MaMa, DaDa, Juice..... I'm still workin' on my enunciation, but at least I'm understood.

-Not only am I using some real words, I have full control over my pointer finger. Nobody has taught me how rude it can be to point... Until then, I'll use my cute little finger to get what I want.

- Usually I'm pointing at some kind of food or drink because I still love to eat. There are a few veggies that I'll tolerate, but mostly I like my fruits and carbohydrates. I've been drinking cows milk since I turned 1, but up until that point I was still on Mommy's milk. This morning was the last time I got to nurse. My mom says I'm cut off now because she and Daddy are taking a trip to Portugal this week. Grandma didn't sign up to become a wet nurse when she and Grandpa offered to come watch Jude and me. I'm doing just fine though with my regular ole' cows milk.

- It's easy for me to eat because I have 8 teeth and one more that just popped through makes 9. My gums are soooooo swollen because it seems that all of my molars are coming in at the same time. My mom says that it looks like a submarine is trying to surface in my mouth. I couldn't agree more, it feels like it too.

- I've continued to pack on the pounds. When I went to the Dr. for my well-child visit I was 20.10 lbs. and just about 30 inches. This puts me at between the 10th and 25th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. The Dr. says that I'm a healthy boy. (Although this week I've been a sick boy. I've had a runny nose and a fever for 3 days now.)

- Usually, I'm a pretty good napper. Daily, I take 2 naps.... although this week I haven't been able to breathe very well and have been trying to skip my second nap. Mom and Dad aren't so happy by my refusal to nap because I'm ready for bed at 5:30. It puts a damper on the rest of the families evening plans.

Well this about sums up my latest and greatest achievements. I may not be updating my status as often but we'll catch up soon....

Here are some of my bloopers from the photo shoot:

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