Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Battle Lost, A Battle Won

I'm not exactly sure who won the battle, but the final outcome was a new haircut. It was either a haircut, or putting barrettes in Jude's hair. Jude's hair was getting so long that he was going to have difficulties seeing through the mop. It was time!

The battle took place in the living room, in front of the T.V., while watching Jude's favorite DVD (Bear in the Big Blue House). He was lurred into Joel's lap via lollipop. When the clippers showed up for the fight, the screaming started. Once the scissors came into sight Jude was calmed with a new truck (a deluxe truck...the doors even open). The conflict was finally resolved once we couldn't hold the little wiggler still any longer. (Don't look closely, there are many long locks left on his little bean.)

Who actually won this battle???

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys... has baby no 2 arrived yet? it must be very close!!!! All the best, and hopefully averything goes well, and everyone gets adjusted to the little very quickly!!!

    besos y abrazos,
    hamish and karina, from nz


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