Monday, August 17, 2009

Jude's 2nd Birthday

This year we decided to have a low-key birthday party for Jude. With relatives coming soon for the birth of Jude's little brother, we knew the celebrating would continue over the next few weeks. We made a birthday poster and decorated his chair.....and of course there were chocolate cupcakes.....

Jude sitting in his special "Birthday Chair."
Eating a cupcake off of his special "Birthday Plate."

Opening one of many gifts......
When I got Jude up in the morning, I told him that it was his birthday. His response was...."New Bus." We had gotten a toy magazine in the mail weeks ago and Jude was fixated on the school bus....for a jolly price of $100.00. I told him that maybe he'd get a new bus for his birthday....little did I know that he'd remember this a few weeks later. Needless to say, Joel and I made a quick stop to a local RiteAid after church to pick up a "New Bus."
Unfortunately, this toy already made it back to Toys 'R Us. Jude is scared of the noise of the automatic wheels (they sound like a drill). We knew it was going to be a problem before the truck even made it out of the box. At least we were a success with the bus.
That evening, we had dinner over at the Doucet's house. We waited until we got home before Jude opened his gift from Ben (in order to avoid jealousy issues). He opened his new truck right before bed.....a bit of a mistake on my part, Jude didn't want to go to bed that night.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, so cute. Looks like he enjoyed the cupcake, cute pic!


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