Tuesday, February 28, 2012

AJ Turns 1 Month Old

Here goes nothin'....

It's my first post, and shoot, I'm already running fashionably late. Who can blame me? Everyone knows that newborns are on their own schedules. I'm no different, I want things to happen when I want them to happen.

For example, when I want to be held (which is almost all of the time), I'll scream until someone picks me up. When I want to eat (which has only been momma's milk from her breast), I'll cry until I get exactly what I want. If I'm in my car seat and want to get out (which happens pretty much every time we go somewhere), I wail and wail, driving my brother Jude crazy, until we get to where we're going.

Looking back on it, I guess I've been a bit of a diva this first month. Even though I know what I want and when I want it, I've also been fairly laid back when it comes to night time sleep. As long as I'm in bed with my mom and dad, I sleep (other than waking to feed) through the night more nights than not. On occasion, I've been known to be wide awake for about 2 hours straight in the middle of the night. But hey, whose keeping track of those nights.

So, being the youngest definitely has its perks. My brothers both fawn over me. Jude especially, loves to love on me all day long. At times I need to speak up and ask for some space, but otherwise I've got my constant audience and entertainment wrapped around my little finger.

Pink, pink, and more pink! I love the color pink! Not only do I LOVE pink, but pink loves me. I'm so cute, if I must say so myself, in all of my 0-3 mo. clothes. Watch out, this fashionista is one adorable number. I can't take all of the credit, my friends and family keep me well dressed. Already, I'm addicted to accessories. When little tights, boots, shoes, and socks are in the miniature variety, nobody seems to be able to resist purchasing them for me. I'm just so adorable in all of them, thank-you very much! Perhaps, being the first girl has its advantages too...

Being cute all of the time can really take a lot out of me. By the end of the day, say around 7ish, I've just about had it. This is when I just let it all come out. Exercising my vocal cords on and off for about 2 hours is the way I let off my steam. By the time I'm done singing my song, mom and dad are worn out too. This is when we all retreat to our den and call it good for the day (often saying a prayer that our next day will be just as blessed as our last).

Here's me getting the hang of my monthly photo shoot. Like I said, "Being beautiful is hard work."

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