Thursday, January 7, 2010

4 Months

OK - so I'm a little late on posting this blog.... but who can blame me? I was busy traveling across the states in cold and drifty snow.... besides, I needed to do some crying to drive my brother nuts while in the car for 18 or so hours....I've been busy!

This what else I've been up to:

I celebrated my very first Christmas! (In Michigan) I scored so many cool toys... so far they taste delicious. I just have to try them all out by putting them in my mouth. I've been mastering my hand-mouth coordination.

Eating is still my forte. I just love to eat, eat, eat. I'm a healthy weight: 15lbs. 15 ounces... I just weighed in today at Dr. Lamm's office. (50-75th percentile) I'm starting to outgrow many of my 3-6 month clothes. I'm 25.5 inches tall... (50th percentile) and am in need of a new winter hat. (My head is 16.5 inches around.)

Much of my eating keeps my mom up at night. I still like to get up 2 or 3 times a night just to eat. Dr. Lamm says that this is still fairly normal but in a few weeks I should give it a try.... and attempt to sleep through the night. We'll see, I like to get my cuddles in...

Pretty much all day long I wear a bib. I'm eating so much, that I can't seem to keep it all down. I'm what some like to call a happy spitter. Dr. Lamm isn't concerned because I'm gaining plenty of weight and seem to be in a fairly good mood while doing it. He got to witness it all first hand today.... I christened his new table today. (Well... he was asking for it, he put me on my belly.)

Oh- yeah- I've decided that I'd like to give up the bottle. I'd much rather have the real deal. It's always the right temp, texture, and always fresh!

I just love to get attention. Often when nobody is paying attention to me I give a piercing yelp. It sure does get attention. My big brother hates it when I raise my voice, but I always get what I want. All eyes on me!

Here I am... giving my mom a hard time. I just can't sit still. What can she expect... that paper looked so tasty.

Don't you just love my hairdo? I think I've got Daddy's hair... I'm at the Dr.'s office awaiting 3 shots YIKES! and an oral vaccination. Mmmm, Mmmm, good!

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