Wednesday, June 30, 2010

10 Months

Eh Hmmm, (clearing my throat)

So, I'm only a few days late this month (seeing that the 27th was when I actually turned 10 months old). So glad that you'll give me a break - I've been busy celebrating my MaMaMa and DaDaDa's 8 year anniversary. The real test will be tomorrow night when a babysitter will come to the house to watch me and my big bother while they go out to eat.

Here are some of the highlights from my month:

- I'm getting more and more confident on my belly. While I'm in my crib I've started to pull my knees up underneath me. It's only a matter of time before I start to crawl. (Ready or not, here I come... and I'm going straight for my brothers cars. It will be a blast to see his reaction!) For now though, I'm scooting around s-l-o-w-l-y on my bum.

- Speaking of bums....have you seen my new fashionable look? I'm sporting my new Bum Genius 3.0 cloth diapers. They are quite comfortable and do the job. Mom dashes downstairs to do the laundry just about every morning... but I don't mind. I'm just trying to do my part to keep this world greener. (Jude requests the cloth diapers... he loves them.)

- So what has been going into those diapers you ask? Well... I still nurse 3 times a day, eat pureed food 3 times a day, and eat lotsa finger foods. A few of my new favorites are grilled cheese sandwiches, cherries, mac'n cheese, corn on the cob, and graham crackers in the form of little fishes. Sure, I eat plenty of other things too... these are just some of my faves. With all of this eating, it surprising that I'm not packin' on more pounds. When I stepped on the scale with MaMaMa, I weighed roughly between 19 and 20 lbs.

- At the beginning of the month I had 4 teeth. (I think I forgot to mention that one came in last month.) Steadily, they have been coming in... and now I'm up to 6 chompers. There are times that they really hurt. If I cry about it for a minute it seems to help. That, and my brother keeps me distracted from the pain. We'll see if a couple more pop through next month. My bottom gums are starting to swell.

- OK, I absolutely LOVE being outside. Just about every morning I've been going for a stroll around the neighborhood. It's so nice of my MaMaMa to do all of the work while I sit back, prop up my feet, and enjoy a delicious breakfast of Cherrios. Within the last few days I've been able to ride alongside my brother in a double jogger. Thanks to Aunt Aunt Marsey I've been able to enjoy the mornings next to Jude. Another activity that I love to do outside is to play in the water. Whether it's a trip to the beach or a splash in our kiddie pool, I love to play in the water.

- BIG NEWS... I'm saving the best for last. I'm finally sleeping through the night. After our last Dr.'s visit I had a few nights that I just cried and cried and cried. Nobody came to my rescue... No extra night caps, no late night snuggles... nothin'. I was on my own. Guess what? It wasn't so bad. I quickly learned that I needed to eat more during the day and learned how to soothe myself back to sleep in the middle of the night. We all feel so much more rested. And now that the nights are settled, I've settled into a daily schedule of 2 naps. (I get the best end of this deal... my brother and I are on opposite schedules. I get some one on one time with my parents while my brother sleeps. - No rest for MaMaMa and DaDaDa.)

As you see, I'm getting progressively more difficult to photograph... here are some of my bloopers.

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