Saturday, June 12, 2010

9 Months

Move over Ma Ma Ma Ma.... It's my turn to use the computer. I've waited long enough to give my update and I think you're all caught up on your other blogs from MI.

Tap, Tap, Tap... is this thing on, is it working?

- As you may have heard, I had my first ear infection. It came at a miserable time. We happened to be away from my normal Dr., so I got to visit the urgent care in Grand Haven, MI. Finally, after many sleepless nights for my mommy, daddy, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and me... I got some antibiotics. I wish that I could have been in a better mood for Uncle Goozer's wedding, but I was just not feeling 100%.

- As for sleeping..... It was a rough month with the ear infection and all. With the travel and such, a late night drink helped to put me to sleep. Unfortunately for mom, it came at her expense.

- I'm still eating like a champ. I've really mastered feeding myself little bites like Cherrios. Even though I love to feed myself, I still let Da Da Da and Ma Ma Ma feed me the pureed stuff.

- Speaking of Ma Ma Ma and Da Da Da... I've also started to say Ba Ba Ba. It's taken me a while to find my voice, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now.

- One thing that I'm not so sure about.... I really don't like to be on my belly. I'm perfectly happy just sitting up and watching my brother Jude. Occasionally, I'll scoot a bit to grab a car or two (something that he's not fond of at all)... but I have no desire to start crawling.

- At Dr. Lamm's office I had my official 9 month weigh-in. I'm 18 1/2 lbs and 28 1/2 inches tall. This puts me in the 15% for weight and at the 50% for height. Dr. Lamm say that I look perfectly healthy. I have a great sense of self-regulating when it comes to food. Don't get me wrong, I love to eat... but when I'm full, I'm full. So, no over-eating for me.

- Once again, I spent most of the month traveling in MI. I got to attend my first wedding (I slept through the entire ceremony but woke up for some dancing). It was so great to see all of my extended family. I got to go on my first boat ride. My brother loved to go fast, but the slow no wake zones were my faves. Grampy even let me drive the boat. I think I did a good job, we didn't run it ashore.

Here are some pictures from my visit to the Dr's.....

Jude's playing cars, again....
And some bloopers from my photo shoot....

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    The kids are getting so big and they are so adorable!! I can't believe it has been so long since we have seen you guys. Glad to hear all is well. :)

    Danielle, Dave & Cori Belle


cluster maps

